Group Coaching

Supporting eachother on journies

Focusing on what is important for you and your life

Get a Clear Vision. together.

Stay tuned for group coaching dates and event info!

group coaching

  • Enjoy the company of others on your journey
  • Cost effective and fun learning environment
  • Added benefit of group sharing and relatability

Customer Experiences

Thanks to Jean-Luc, I have a better focus and understanding of what I want and how to get it. I have gained much confidence in pursuing what “I” really desire, rather than always focus on everybody else.

I am focusing on building a business around my true self. Jean-Luc is a gentle, caring soul that seems to understand you without you having to explain yourself too much. He just makes you feel like you can do anything.

- Shannon scoates

Thanks to Jean-Luc, I have a better focus and understanding of what I want and how to get it. I have gained much confidence in pursuing what “I” really desire, rather than always focus on everybody else.

I am focusing on building a business around my true self. Jean-Luc is a gentle, caring soul that seems to understand you without you having to explain yourself too much. He just makes you feel like you can do anything.

- Shannon scoates

Thanks to Jean-Luc, I have a better focus and understanding of what I want and how to get it. I have gained much confidence in pursuing what “I” really desire, rather than always focus on everybody else.

I am focusing on building a business around my true self. Jean-Luc is a gentle, caring soul that seems to understand you without you having to explain yourself too much. He just makes you feel like you can do anything.

- Shannon scoates

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